Northamptonshire Covid

How to keep your business alive during Covid.

Northamptonshire Covid restrictions have disrupted every person’s life one way or the other. Businesses have closed down, people have lost their jobs, their loved ones, and nearly everybody has been quarantined in their homes for a long time. 

If you own a business and have had to shut down due to the pandemic, there are ways you can market your business and show customers that you are ready to open as soon as it is safe to do so.

If you own a shop, it is most likely shut down at the moment and will only be opened once the government lifts the lockdown and restrictions, starting in April. During this time, you might be wondering how you can ensure customers buy from your business once it opens up.

Here are things you can do, to achieve that goal.

Show your presence

Even though shops, offices are closed and there is no physical trading taking place, you can indicate to a person walking passed, that you are still alive, and ready to start doing business once everything starts to open up.

You can do this by making small changes to the closed premises such as putting up posters and changing them occasionally, putting up the business website address, or anything else you think will help your customers know that you are still there. 

Incorporate something noticeable

There is a high possibility all the shops look boring including yours. You can take advantage of this opportunity to add a splash of colour to your place, at little cost.

Change the paint to a brighter colour, add an eye-catching poster, make it an interesting place, so anyone who passes by the shop is tempted to stop, look and importantly, remember.

Put items on display

If your stock is visible despite your shop being closed, put additional items on display. Doing this will show people who pass by that you are still open for business, and your shop is getting ready to do business as soon as possible.

As soon as the Northamptonshire Covid lockdown is lifted and shops can open again, you will already have customers who noticed your shop while it was closed and decided to purchase something that caught their eye. 

Let the local news sources market your business

Everyone is aware of local newspapers and media covering something that is interesting. They need to continually have new stores to write about. There is no point in spending money on marketing your business during a lockdown, but what if a local Directory did it for free.

Do something that catches the media’s attention, and the rest will be taken care. Whatever you do will receive attention, and the next thing you know, it is all over the news, and people are talking about it on social media, blogs etc.

Which is what any business wants. Despite being shut down due to the pandemic, people would still be talking about it.

Online Presence

Last but not least, improve your presence online. There are several examples where brick and mortar stores failed to get customers, but their online store sales boomed. Online stores and shopping were already a trend before the pandemic.

Take advantage of various social media platforms, you can register at your local online directory, you can get a website, start a blog, use digital advertising if there is a budget.

Hundreds and thousands of businesses will survive the Northamptonshire Covid lockdown despite being closed, because they engaged maintained contact with their customers and through online sales channels.


Times are tough due to the pandemic and there is no certainty as to when businesses will be able to run normally and be stable again. In these times, you should make an effort to stay relevant because that is what your competitors are doing.

Once restrictions are lifted and people can go back to work properly from their workplaces instead of their homes, things will start to go back to how they were. Following the above tips will ensure that you are a step ahead of other businesses which may give you an important advantage.